Rencontres 2014: List of Participants
Rencontres 2014: Conference Schedule
Group photo from Rencontres 2014
Rencontres de St-Gall
Every two years, SME researchers from all over the world meet for a week at the Rencontres de St-Gall in order to debate SME-specific issues.

A research conference with a long tradition According to the records of the Small Business Administration (SBA), the Rencontres de St-Gall is the oldest conference of this kind world-wide (it first took place in 1948). It is a unique characteristic of the conference that the papers are distributed in advance and are then discussed in plenary sessions.

»It was easily the most pleasant and interesting conference that I have ever attended – a very special meeting (Participant, 2006) 

Rencontres 2014 in St. Gallen
The Rencontres de St-Gall take place in St.Gallen from 1-3 September 2014.
This year's conference topic is:

Leadership and the twin fields of entrepreneurship
and small business management

Participation in the conference is exclusively by personal invitation.

Thierry Volery, Thomas Zellweger, Heidi Fueglistaller, Walter Weber, Urs Fueglistaller
University of St.Gallen – Swiss Research Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship | KMU-HSG